My mantra for today is ... I treat every day like a new world.

This morning I decided to choose something different... I drank Cacao and Danced under the Sun  I journaled, I read my new book, and I allowed new energy to flow. My daughter came down and we danced together and then she led a Yoga/Reiki class and I had to follow everything she did. 

 We get so caught up in routine, in healing, in every day mundane life that we forget to have fun. We begin to believe that our life is ruled by time, the clock, and the calendar.. by our busy schedules. When we take a step back to remember it's all an illusion, we free ourselves. We are reborn and we can come back to that beautiful innocent presence that we had when we were a child. The joy, the happiness, the freedom of living each day in the present moment. The joy and beauty of meeting each day with newness and presence. See the world in a new way, a new light. We can treat each day like a new world. Not bringing old expectations to new situations. Not fearing the present because of a bad experience in the past. Practicing trust with others and yourself. Being open to other people rather than being defensive or suspicious of them. Not imposing our mood on others. Not controlling others and events and giving them space to unfold the way it was meant to. Each day, try to do something a little different to switch up your energy 

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