My mantra today is ... I allow the light to create transformation.

Old emotional habits block our light by forcing us to react automatically without consciously being in control. Old forms must be destroyed to make room for the new. So learning to bring awareness to our emotions and triggers is how we achieve self-transformation.

Instead of struggling to improve ourselves, we can allow our light to lead the way. The key to transformation is getting out of our own way.
Instead of struggling, pushing, managing, controlling, forcing, fighting our way through.. we can instead turn this pattern around.
One of my favorite quotes is "suffering is resisting to what is." It's helped me so much. Just that sensation of letting go and flowing brings so much peace!

We can find enjoyable ways to meet ourselves where we are in the moment. Become accustomed to the comfort of being in communion with yourself. Once this becomes your new habit, you are getting out of the way, setting the stage for the process of transformation. 

Some ways to bring more self transformation...
-Setting your intention to find your true self.
-Enjoy going within.
-Honor every experience and grow through any challenges.
-Look for fulfillment within, not in the outside world.
-Welcome change instead of resisting it.
-See every experience as a mirror of yourself. Literally everything is a mirror!!!
-Make conscious choices, instead of following unconscious habits and routine.
-Meditation and Journaling.
-Make time and space for inner time and down time every day to connect in with yourself.

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