My mantra today is ... Being myself brings contentment.

Through self-acceptance you will find self-love. The only way you can love your true self is by making peace with all the "other selves" you once were, through every single phase of your life up until this moment.

Every day we have a choice.. we can choose to love ourselves or put ourselves down. We have one life ...1... to enjoy this beautiful earth. We are gifted a vessel, a body. We are able to experience all the beauty around us, we can experience love, we are surrounded by friends and family, we literally can do anything we want, we can be anyone we want. We have that freedom, that choice. So today I invite you to be proud of yourself, love yourself. You're doing an amazing job and you're exactly where you need to be. You are perfect inside and out. You soul is pure love, pure light. Instead of focusing on your "flaws", focus on all the amazing things you love about yourself.

It's taken my years to LOVE myself. And there's still times where I catch myself falling into old habits, it's normal. But the more we practice loving ourselves, the happier we become, the closer to our true self we become.

Letting go of comparison, forgiving yourself, letting go of perfectionism, not placing demands on yourself, not being critical of yourself, letting go of shame and guilt from past experiences, not disempowering yourself with self-sabotaging thoughts. LETTING GO OF WHAT OTHER PEOPLE MIGHT THINK. These things hold us back and keep up in a lower vibration. One of the best things I've heard is .. "no one cares about you." Not literally, but that everyone is so preoccupied with what they're doing, they don't have time to judge what you do! So just allowing yourself to be vulnerable, authentic, and free to be YOU in each moment.

The moment you bring awareness to these inner habits, is the moment you reclaim your power. When you notice yourself falling into these habits, pause and then practice the opposite. So instead of focusing on a flaw, take a deep breath and use words of encouragement, empowerment, and love.

& with all this being said ... Affirm- I LOVE MYSELF COMPLETELY AND UNCONDITIONALLY.

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